The Traveling Toe

The Traveling Toe

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"The Martian" (movie critique)

movie poster

Dear Readers, have you seen the latest movie, "The Martian" starring Matt Damon?  If not then you need to go see it.  The Friday Movie Mavens and The Travelling Toe all agreed it was one of the best movies of the year.

The plot of the movie starts with 5 astronauts on Mars finishing experiments before leaving the planet.  A sudden storm hits and the astronauts start making their way to the rocket when Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is hit with flying debris and his communication equipment is damaged.  He is knocked out and the other astronauts, not able to make contact with him, think he is dead.  NASA tells them they must leave the planet immediately due to the storm.  They take off and leave Mark on Mars.. The Commander of the Ares III space ship, Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastain) is upset at having to a man behind.  But the other astronauts tell her that she made the right decision for them all and for the mission.  

However, Mark is not dead but seriously injured.  He makes it back to the base camp and cleans his wounds.  He realizes he has no contact with NASA and starts a video log of what he has to do to survive as long as he can.  During his taping sessions as he assesses the situation he is funny, matter of fact and really ridicules Melissa's taste int the music she left behind. (a glittering ball was not part of the equipment taken to Mars)

There are lots of interesting story lines during the movie such as how NASA finally realizes he is in fact alive and doing his best to survive.  He must ration his food and comes up with a clever way to grown potatoes on Mars.  It is does sort of have a ewww factor but compost is compost wherever you are.  

How is Mark rescued?  Well, Dear Readers see the movie yourself.  

Side Note:  This movie is 141 minutes long so ration your liquid consumption accordingly.


Matt Damon
Jessica Chastain

Michael Pena

Kate Mara

Sebastian Stan


Jeff Daniels

Chiwetel Ejiofor

Kristen Wiig

Ridley Scott
producer & director

The Travelling Toe gives this movie 1 big toe up and 1 middle toe up with a side of French Fries and a Mars bar.

One last note, the movie is based on the  book, "The Martian:,  written by Andy Weir.

Andy Weir

Disclaimer:  The Travelling Toe is not a professional critic and any opinions expressed are of entertainment purposes.

the red planet

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