The Traveling Toe

The Traveling Toe

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Dixie's Never Wear a Tube Top while Riding a Mechanical Bull" at the McDavid Stuido

riding her
mechanical bull

With two other sassy friends, The Travelling Toe went to see the new show by Dixie Longate at the Sunday afternoon matinee.  We three have seen her previous show, "Dixie's Tupperware Party", so we just had to see her new production when it was scheduled at the McDavid Studio, (which is just right across the street from Bass Hall).  Apparently a lot of other folks like Dixie too as the studio was totally full.  You have to come early to get a good seat to see Dixie.

"Her" show is funny, irrelevant, and has adult language and content.  But Dixie also shares her words of wisdom and her outlook on life.  One of the gems she shared was "we need more time feeling happy and less time feeling crappy". The Travelling Toe agrees with her on that one. She also told the audience that we need to have more adventures and then we have more stories to tell.  Another funny one was that if people are making you mad, then just tell them to "shut your mouth and have a Moon Pie and then get on with your life".  

This was a fun show and we did laugh a lot.  Dixie was struggling with a cold or sinus issues and often her voice was raspy but with her Tupperware tumble full of "medicine", she gave us a great show.

If you have not seen "Dixie" then you just need to do that.  And after the show "Dixie" is out front talking  to her fans and having pictures made.  Oh, and you can order Tupperware too - really!!! Dixie is the biggest seller of Tupperware and has received several awards from the company for her efforts.

Performance Program for

McDavid Studio

Disclaimer:  The Travelling Toe is not a professional critic and any opinions expressed are for entertainment purposes only. 

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