Unique Art Museum - San Angelo, Texas
The Travelling Toe on a recent girl friend's trip to San Angelo visited the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. The museum is small compared to other museums visited in larger cities, but it has found a niche by focusing on ceramic exhibits and competitions. We visited the museum just after one of the competitions had ended and all the entries were still on exhibit. On display were many different and unique ways to use ceramics in the art world. One item in particular that was very interesting to view, was a ceramic rendition of a full body figure of a senior woman in real ballet attire beautifully posed....it was totally amazing and mesmerizing. The gift shop is small but has some interesting items. The volunteer staff are friendly and helpful. The building itself is interesting to see as well as the art work installed outside. The roof design of the museum is reminiscent of a western saddle, as noted in the picture above from their web site. A visit to this engaging art museum is certainly worth the time.
San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts
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