The Traveling Toe

The Traveling Toe

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"Me Before You" (movie critique)

movie poster

As much as we love the action flicks, we also love a good chick flick, so our latest foray into the movie theater was to see "Me before You".  The movie is based on a best selling novel written by JoJo Moyes who also wrote the screenplay.  

The movie opens with a quick insight into the life style of a very successful and wealthy young  man.  He was active in various sports and was a daredevil when it came to pushing the edge.  Will also had a beautiful girlfriend in his life.  As he begins another day of high pressure finance, he walks out the door of his condo and is hit by a speeding motorcycle. We learn that he is paralyzed from about the chest down and has little motion in his hands or fingers. He must have 24-hour care to see to all his needs.

Time passes and 2 years after the accident, a young local lady, Louisa Clark, is in desperate need of a job to help support her family as her father has lost his job.  Louisa also has a boyfriend, Patrick, who is more interested in running marathons than in supporting her life endeavors.The local job resource center sends Louisa to the manor to interview for a job to help care for a disabled man.  Louisa interviews with Will's mother and she is hired. Will's family is quite wealthy so paying for support is not an issue.  

On the first day of the job, Louisa meets another caregiver, Nathan who is a nurse, and has been caring for Will since the beginning.  Will is not taken with Louisa and treats her rather coldly.  She is by nature a very cheerful, happy and eccentric girl.  Her fashion sense reflects her  positive spin on life. She is determined to change Will's feelings for her, partly because she desperately needs the job and partly because she begins to like Will.  With one outing at a time, one movie at a time and several other funny adventures, Will starts to become very fond of Louisa.

But there is a secret that Will, Nathan and the family are keeping from Louisa. When she finds out what that secret is, she is totally devastated and heart broken.

So what is this devastating secret?  Well, Dear Readers as you know The Travelling Toe never shares the ending of a movie with you, so you will just to see the movie for yourself or read the book to find out what happens!


Emilia Clarke
Louisa Clark

Sam Claflin
Will Traynor

Matthew Lewis

Steve Peacocke

Janet McTeer
Camilla Traynor

Brendan Coyle
Mr. Clarke
(OK, he is really Bates from Downton Abbey!)

The Travelling Toe gives this movie 1 big toe up with a box of tissues to have handy!

Disclaimer:  The Travelling Toe is not a professional critic and any opinions expressed are for entertainment purposes only.

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