The Traveling Toe

The Traveling Toe

Thursday, April 20, 2017

"Going In Style" (movie critique)

movie poster
Needling some laughs, the Movie Mavens and The Travelling Toe went to the local Movie Tavern to see the buddy movie "Going In Style".  The movie was directed by comedian Zach Braff.  It is a remake of the 1979 movie with the same name.

Zach Braff

The movie is about 3 senior citizens friends who worked for many years in the steel industry and are now retired living on their monthly pension payments. But the company is sold and that merger caused their pensions to be dissolved. One of the guys, Joe, finds out that he is behind on his mortgage payments due to a re-fiance deal that upped his mortgage payment. He has fallen behind on his payments and could lose his house where he lives with his daughter and granddaughter.  Willie, is on dialysis and needs a replacement kidney.  Al has to live with Willie as he is out of money too.  So what are these 3 guys going to do to make a living at their age?  Well rob a bank of course - the bank that stole from them. At first Willie and Al are not sure that they can do it but Joe is sure that they can.  The planning of the caper starts.

One of the funniest scenes is when the 3 of them try a dry run of robbing the local grocery story by shoplifting and of course they get caught.  Then they find Jesus and he helps them out with their plan, first getting them in shape then teaching them how to use Smart phones.

So Dear Readers, do they really rob the bank?  Did they get caught?  How does it end?

No spoilers here.  If you saw the movie then you know what happens but if you haven't go see it for a fun time.  And we Golden Girls loved seeing older actors still working hard and making an entertaining movie.


Michael Caine

Morgan Freeman

Alan Arkin
Al (Albert)
(AL's girlfriend)

Matt Dillon
FBI Special Agent Hamer

Christopher Lloyd
lodge buddy

This was a fun movie and we all enjoyed it.

The Travelling Toe gives this movie 2 middle toes up with numbered bank account in the Cayman Islands!

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