The Traveling Toe

The Traveling Toe

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

":Star Trek Beyond" (movie critique)

movie poster

After busting ghosts the week before, the Friday Movie Mavens and The Travelling Toe decided to take a trip into space......very deep space.  We joined in on the adventures of the Start Trek team.

The Enterprise while on a 5 year mission docks at a massive starbase named Yorktown, which is a thriving metropolis way out in space.  The Enterprise is there to replenish supplies, equipment and for the crew to have some rest and relaxation.  

While the Enterprise crew is still at Yorktown, an escape pod makes it's way into the safety zone of the starbase.  The survivor in the escape pod is Kalara and she tells the group that her ship and crew are stranded on a planet that is past the nebula.  So the crew of the Enterprise is dispatched to determine the status of the mysterious planet and to locate the missing crew.

They make it through the nebula and as they search for the obscure planet, they are attacked by a massive swarm of fighter ships.  The Enterprise is overwhelmed and is heavily damaged.  The crew is ordered to abandon ship and as they leave in their escape pods they are captured by the swarm.  Somehow Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Bones, Chekov and Uhura find each other on the hostile planet.  And they also find another castaway, Jaylah, who knows the planet well and knows how to fight the hostile aliens as well as what they do with captured spaceship crews.  She tells the Enterprise group that the leader of the swarm is Krall.  He sucks all the life force out of the captured crew members in order to re-fuel his energy level.

So Dear Readers, can Kalara be trusted to help them?  Can Jaylah be trusted to help rescue the captured crew?  Will Krall be defeated?  Will the Enterprise crew make it back to the Yorktown starbase in time to save it?  

Well, The Travelling Toe will not provide the answers to these questions as you will just have to see this space adventure movie yourselves.  But a fourth movie for this franchise will be forthcoming so that answers some of your questions!

Side Notes:

Simon Pegg who plays Scotty helped write the script.  Idris Elba who plays the meanie Krall has the most delicious deep voice.


Chris Pine
Captain Kirk

Zachery Quinton

Anton Yelchin

Simon Pegg

Zoe Saldana

Karl Urban

John Cho
Idris Elba

The Travelling Toe gives this movie 1 big toe up (well, she is a Trekkie from way back) with a transporter in order to escape the bad guys!


Anton Yelchin who played Chekov was accidentally killed June 19th in a car related accident at his home

Disclaimer:  The Travelling Toe is not a professional critic and any opinions expressed are for entertainment purposes only.

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