The Traveling Toe

The Traveling Toe

Friday, August 21, 2015

"Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation" (critique)

movie poster
Once again the Friday Movie Mavens and The Travelling Toe scurried out to the local multiplex to see an action flick.   This time it was "Mission:Impossible - Rogue Nation".  It would appear that the MI team is not the only ones ready for an impossible mission, the FMM group is always up to accepting an impossible mission too.

Tom Cruise

If you have seen the trailers for this movie then you probably saw the stunt where Tom Cruise (Ethan Hunt) is hanging onto the side of a cargo plan as it is taking off,  screaming at his partner Benji (Simon Pegg) to open the door.  Well Benji does open the door, but it is the wrong door. Since this stunt is in the first few minutes of the movie, you know there will be a lot more action to follow.

Simon Pegg
Ving Rhames

The main premise of the story line is that the head of the CIA, played by Alec Baldwin, who gives his usual stoic performance of a mad as hell head of some agency, who wants the MI force to be disbanded.  But the head of the Mission Impossible force, William Brandt, played by Jeremy Renner, is tying to convince the oversight committee to let the MI team continue as they are close to tracking down the head of a global terrorist organization only known as "The Syndicate".  By going out on their own, Ethan, Benji and Luther (Ving Rhames) are now considered to be "rogues" and are being hunted by both sides.  Also in the mix is Ilsa (Rebecca Ferguson) who may or may not work for The Syndicate or may or may not be a double agent.  

Jeremy Renner
Alec Baldwin

Rebecca Ferguson

The MI force finally finds the head of The Syndicate and he is definitely a very nasty guy and has some very nasty plans afoot.  He is played to the hilt by Sean Harris.  (side note: you would not want to meet him in a lighted alley much less a dark one!)

Since this is the 5th Mission Impossible movie, Dear Readers, you know it will have exotic locations, car chases, motorcycle chases, hand to hand combat fights and a lot of outrageous stunts.  

This movie is full of action and is a fun romp and we all enjoyed it.

The Travelling Toen gives this movie 1 big toe up and 1 little pinky toe up with a new pair of track shoes for running and hiding from the bad guys.

Disclaimer:  The Travelling Toe is not a professional critic and any opinions expressed are for entertainment purposes only.

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